Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Happiness Project:Week 1 Update

While I'm waiting for the husband to wake up, to begin our Sunday adventure, I figured I'd do what a friend suggested and do a weekly update. In a previous entry, I began My Happiness Project with the focus on myself and my energy with 5 main goals in mind. Here is how I did the first week:

1. Look how you want to feel: I think I get a gold star for this one. I did throw out all of my cruddy clothes (minus my pottery jeans) and wore more lounge wear around the house. My husband took notice of this and began to do it as well. He used to do it all the time, and I think my bad habit rubbed off on him. He would get fully dressed everyday, even if he had no where to go. I used to think that he couldn't relax, but now I realize what a big difference it makes. I had the ultimate test this week, feeling bloated and tired-but I did not let my mood negatively affect my clothing choices and I think it definitely helped me feel more confident.

2. Exercise to increase energy, not to lose weight: I did pretty good on this one. I went to my Zumba class, did weights one day, and today will be going on a hike. I want to make sure I am doing something active everyday though-especially on office days where I am sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours. I plan on walking outside for a break and getting good use out of the pool while it is still open.

3. Meditate 10 minutes everyday: I did this about 50% of the time. I need to improve on this. I had a few things effecting me this week that I should have been able to wash away with meditation. I need to remember to take this time for myself.

4. Limit TV usage: I did limit this. Instead of watching more episodes of Celebrity Rehab (sad, I know) I sat outside or read a book. I watched movies that we picked out and episodes of the UK Kitchen Nightmares with him, it was enjoyable.

5. Nutritious Food: I did do good with this as well. 4th of July weekend was filled with booze, but that is something we never do. We laughed and danced and drank Sangria all weekend. Again, this being my major test week (ladies, you get where I'm going with this?) I.did.good. I resisted a mocha milkshake, free cupcakes, and chips. It was only hard to make the decision, and I did not long for it afterwards. We did not eat out, we shared cooking duties, and I definitely did not feel ill after anything I ate.

Well, so far so good. I can't tell if I am happier per se-I think it is too soon for that, but I definitely feel my level of anxiety decreasing (which is major for me). I feel more confident, satisfied, and less that makes me happy. When I began this, I felt that maybe it was selfish focusing on my happiness alone. However, it is contagious. I felt myself be more concerned than ever with the happiness of others, and if I'm happy my husband is happier. Not to mention, I do not consider myself a selfish person, rather a bleeding heart, so it was nice to do something for me.

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