Friday, July 1, 2011

My Happiness Project: July

I started reading a book called The Happiness Project, I was half way through Chapter One when I decided that this is what I needed to do. Much like the author, I consider myself a happy person, but I could be happier. I am happy, but I still stress and worry too much, snip at my husband, and occasionally don't take very good care of myself. I let what others say get to me and zone out. Also, much like the author, I found the book Eat, Pray, Love very unpractical. Even if I was single, I could never afford to leave my job and take off for a year. The author of my book mentions the very same, and brought up a good point-I do not want to regret my life...there is no need for me to run away. She mentions that everything you need to be happy is right in front of you...she's right...I have a good job, a husband that I love, and am fortunate to have good health and a place to live. To me, Eat, Pray, Love was immature. I found the book to be whiny. I know there are those out there who would fight me tooth and nail on this, but she did not have a rough life by any means...and even though I have had true hardships, in perspective-neither have I.

So, needless to say I recommend reading this book. I grabbed an empty journal I had to write down what my goals would be and to record my progress. For July, I chose to focus on Self & Energy with five main points to keep in mind. I need to take better care of myself. Get haircuts more often, and not when my hair looks like shit, go to the dermatologist (already made an appointment!), get new glasses, paint your know stuff like that.

1: Look how you want to feel. Dressing for a bad or tired mood does not work to make you feel better. You ladies know what I mean-whether you are tired or bloated, lounging in unflattering clothes do not make you feel any better. I am by no means talking about designer clothes, I find them to be unimportant, I am talking about keeping yourself put together. So I will dress how I want to feel: bohemian, successful, light and airy. This includes while I am at home. I wouldn't want to come home to see my husband in a stained t-shirt and old underwear, so I highly doubt he wants to see me in huge t-shirts and old yoga pants. I will get rid of old, grungy clothes (except my pottery pants) and replace items slowly...think lounge wear.

2: Exercise to increase energy, not to lose weight. Stop focusing on the scale. Exercise to increase your energy and mood-because it does! You feel great not only after the work out, but for the rest of the day! Never go more than two days without exercising. Keep going on walks with your husband, it gives you time to relax together, enjoy each other's company, and breathe.

3: Meditate 10 minutes everyday. I try and practice Buddhism. (a goal to focus on another month) Meditation is so crucial for me, but I always find an excuse not to do it. The goal is to empty my mind for 10 minutes a day.

4: Limit TV usage. I can get sucked into TV, especially stupid TV. I watch it to relax and shut my over thinking brain off. The goal is to cut that out. Read, exercise, meditate, play a game...something to relax but still stay connected with reality. The exception will be movies that my husband and I pick out to watch together.

5: Nutritious Food. Also goes along with energy. I do eat fairly healthy, but occasionally I get those "fuck it" moments when I decide that I want something crappy to eat. Not surprisingly, it makes me feel crappy mentally and physically afterwards. I did good today-I wanted a milkshake, but resisted because I knew they make me feel sick afterwards.

So, those are my goals for this month and new ones to build upon in the upcoming months. If you actually read this, bless you for indulging me.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Megan, with your project. I think you should write a follow up on this in a month: what worked well, was easy, what became difficult, etc. Sometimes I find that in my attempts to better myself or make my life simplified I almost...create a job of it? And become stressed over that. Clearly I am doing it wrong. Anyway, I'd love to read about how this goes.
